Coin Mechanism Repairs
Coin mechanism malfunctioning? We can help. Teknotronik provide repairs and service for coin mechanisms in the UK.
Dirt is a major reason why a coin mechanism would malfunction and therefore cleaning is prominent of field servicing. Apart from general cleaning procedures, it is advised to clean the coin paths, dispenser arms and guides must also be cleaned on a regular basis. If malfunctioning persists, it is advised to inspect coin mechanism by authorized engineer for further maintenance. And that’s where we come in!
We specialise in total solutions for electronic repairs, rework of electronic equipment including mobile technology and integration of new hardware.
We pride ourselves on being forward thinking customer lead business and it’s our customers who drive us in different areas of repairs.
Get in touch today if you or your company would like information on how we can efficiently service your coin mechanisms.
Why Choose Us
Experienced Engineers
Great Reputation
100-Day Warranty
Coin Mechanism Problems?
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